Travel as Inspiration

When I travel, the adventure gives me an opportunity for renewal of vision.  A chance to see new things and experience different communities.  Going to Portland, Oregon is a subtle change from the ordinary.  Enough to revive this woman's heart and spirit.  Art and poetry require energy and getting away once and awhile really makes a difference. 

Forest dwelling

Forest dwelling

A forest has many faces

The daylight plays upon the surface

Leaves and flowers open, skyward

But at night, the unseen moves

Traveling along the holes and crevices

Communing with earth's mysteries

Magic inside the dark, the quiet, deep down

We are like the forest

A collection of light and shadow, complete and connected

Finding out about Copyright Law.

As I prepare the tireless effort of posting all the years of poetry on my website I had to make sure I was protecting my words and ideas.  Luckily over the many years I have posted on my blog : blogspot.  That has given each poem and piece of art a time stamp placing when it became.  Or to put it more poetically: birthed into this world.   

My next adventure will be connecting with publishers or places that publish work.  I haven't decided whether to mix the digital art and photography into one book yet.  Sort of a timeline of sorts.  So you can see the progression of my thought and process or to separate them.  Time will tell.   

The Chalice
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